

日期:2020-03-23 20:47:48

受疫情的影响,山水音响于上周六举办的春季新品发布会以时下最热门的线上直播方式进行,Keep up with the trend of The Times, created the whole industry, this live broadcast way makes the traditional press conference become unique and refreshing.Let's take a look back at the great event.
Although it is an online press conference, although there is no live audience, but the landscape of all the intentions of degree is not compromised, also did not affect the enthusiasm of the online audience当晚有五百多位宝宝们通过抖音直播间和我们一起见证了山水开年重磅新品—移动乐器音响的诞生。

In particular, in response to the impact of the epidemic on the real economy, we have taken timely and active measures to not only open up online we-media channels, but also comprehensively lay out our online business capacity and marketing and promotion capacity, so as to inspire and boost the confidence of your families with practical actions. After the outbreak, we will welcome the development opportunity of our industry. How to seize the opportunity in this environment, only a responsible, responsible and powerful enterprise like tsumi sound group can lead us to break through.随后山水音响品牌总监段晓东在本次发布会上阐述了山水2020年度战略规划,他表示,时代在进步,作为企业也需要不断创新紧跟时代发展的步伐,将山水自身优势和社会形势相结合多方面综合发展,树立行业新标杆。
值得一提的是这场发布会我们邀请到广州乐队的吉他手廖老师来现场进行演奏,当吉他声响起那一刻,就犹如有魔法一般点燃了所有人的热情,不仅整个展厅被惊艳,直播间的评论都被666、很好听、太厉害刷屏中。Good guitar with our landscape sound to play the best effect, liao teacher after the performance is from a professional perspective to give s20-08 great praise.
作为乐器音响,山水新发布的这四款产品配置足够强悍,功能足够全面,具备高灵敏、高声压、大动态的特点。当然此次新品的工艺也继续诠释了山水的标准,多边形的箱体设计,As Musical Instruments and acoustics, shanshui newly released these four products configuration is strong enough, the function is comprehensive enough, have the characteristic of high sensitivity, high sound pressure, big dynamic. Of course, the process of this new product also continues to interpret the standard of landscape, polygonal box design, the use of imported high-density fiberboard, pure manual spray paint production, which is from the landscape of the quality of all the never compromise.


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